The Untold Stories of the Jewish Quarter of Essaouira, Morocco

On this evening, we will come together to examine the history of the Jewish Quarter of Essaouira, Morocco. For the past year, WMF partners Yousef El Miadi and Laura Brandt have researched the remaining built heritage of the “mellah” and captured oral histories about the once-bustling and pluralistic quarter. The event will feature digital content showcasing the sights, sounds, and stories of the Jewish Quarter of Essaouira, a 2018 World Monuments Watch site, in partnership with Diarna.
In conversation with speakers:
Jason Guberman-Pfeffer
Project Coordinator, Diarna: The Geo-Museum of North African and Middle Eastern Jewish Life
Executive Director, American Sephardi Federation
Laura Brandt
Project Leader, Stories of the Mellah
Yousef El Miadi
Project Leader, Stories of the Mellah
Reception to follow.