The exceptionally dynamic arts of Coventry Cathedral enjoy a strong presence in the V&A's spring 2012 exhibition "British Design 1948-2012: Innovation in the Modern Age.
Past Events
The English-Speaking Union of the United Sates presents a series of talks by Dr.
The ruins of St Michael's Cathedral in Coventry are a uniquely powerful reminder of the effects of war.
WMF organized a week-long cultural excursion through Tunisia, exploring the rich past of a country now in transition.
In a panel presentation, World Monuments Fund Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Lisa Ackerman will discuss past and current projects in Syria, Egypt, and Iraq.
The documentary Unfinished Spaces features the National Art Schools in Havana, Cuba, a site WMF has been involved with for more than a decade and perhaps the best example of architecture from the early period of the Cuban Revolution .
Docomomo US and World Monuments Fund invite you to a presentation entitled, Materials and Surfaces of the Tugendhat House: Investigation and Preservation of Authenticity.
Located along the busy shipping lanes of the eastern Mediterranean, the Cypriot port of Famagusta rose to prominence following the fall of Acre in 1291, and rivaled Constantinople and Venice as a center of maritime commerce.
Lisa Ackerman, World Monuments Fund Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, will provide an overview of WMF’s current work that ranges from conservation to the development of site management plans.
Babylon is a site of special importance for the Iraq State Board of Antiquities and Heritage (SBAH) and a priority for work in conservation and site management.