Moseley Road Baths, an Edwardian time capsule still in use and serving a diverse urban community, is now at risk of closure due to cutbacks in government spending.
Ongoing vigilance is necessary to secure the future of the Shukhov Tower, an icon of the advent of modern technology and an engineering masterpiece of the early twentieth century.
Santiago de Cuba’s historic churches and plazas have suffered from the impact of natural disasters and are currently endangered by a lack of resources that can be dedicated to conservation.
The migration of the Kucapungane Rukai and the erosion of their traditional craft skills and beliefs is causing all evidence of their heritage to be slowly lost.
The Church and Convent of San Francisco is facing the pressure of balancing large numbers of worshippers and visitors with the needs of maintenance and upkeep.
The National Sports Complex is used daily by Phnom Penh residents for recreation and social gatherings, and yet there are mounting fears of encroachment and loss of the space as a community asset.